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Hi, everyone! My name is Emilie Schutt. I am a senior English Literature major and Digital Humanities minor at Pepperdine University in Malibu, California. Besides my passions in crocheting and (obviously) reading, I have a passion for digital preservation and plan to work as a digital archivist one day. The extreme dissonance in my study (many literature and computer science classes) will help me to not only preserve history but to create projects that spread the access of historical artifacts and resources around the world.


I am writing this blog as an assignment for my Multicultural American Literature class. As a class, we will read many works by American authors who are from different cultural backgrounds. I feel that through this project, I will gain a better understanding of the lives of American writers who deserved to be preserved as a part of the literary canon and not just an added edition. I hope to also broaden my opinion of what it truly means to be an American. 



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